









The Sky’s the Limit: Unlock Your World Through Kettering’s Natural Sciences Department

从生物学和生物化学到化学和物理, you can explore it all and gain a better understanding of the natural world around you at 正规的赌博app’s 自然科学系. 每一个工程学科 构建 建立在自然世界知识的基础上. The required and elective courses we offer lay that groundwork for advanced applications and the latest cutting-edge technology.

不管你是否选择攻读自然科学的课程, 在凯特林,你会享受小班授课, 参与我们著名的 合作项目 和更多的, giving you a personalized education and valuable experience to set you apart from others in the job market after graduation.

Our 自然科学系 can help you learn to describe and understand the rules that dictate the physical and natural world. 通过我们的课程作业, 实验室和实践学习经验, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the world that you can apply to any career field.


The 自然科学系 can help you gain the scientific knowledge and skills you need to find success, 现在和将来. 我们提供abet认证的工程物理课程, 辅修声学和物理学, 以及医学预科课程的学习. 你应该选择另一个学位课程吗, courses from our department will enrich your education through elective options focused on applications and integrated special topics. 主题包括光子学, 材料科学, 医学物理和超声, 声学与振动, 聚合物, 传感器, 色彩的科学, 和更多的.

Explore the variety of natural science degree programs and minors we offer 在凯特林.


Our engineering 物理 program is among only a select few 物理 programs accredited by ABET, 一个非营利组织, 认可大学应用科学的非政府组织, 计算, 工程和工程技术方案. 作为正规的赌博app工程物理专业的学生, you’ll explore a host of topics you won’t always find through traditional engineering programs. 你将学习光学, 声学和材料相关领域,如纳米技术, 电信, 医学物理和设备等.


你对事物的声音感兴趣吗? 通过我们的声学辅修课程, you’ll learn how to apply your interest in the art and science of sound while studying vibration, 声学与信号处理. 音质指标,模态分析和测试 & measurement techniques are examples of common industry-standard built into our courses.


你欣赏理论物理的优雅和清晰吗? 你对宇宙最基本的法则感到好奇吗? 辅修物理课程将带你深入了解经典力学的基本原理, 量子力学, 或者热力学和统计物理, 探索物质世界中一切事物发生的规律. 


如果你想继续凯特林医学院的学位课程, 这门课程将帮助你做好准备.  Coupled with an immersion in the healthcare industry as a scribe in our co-op program, 以及医学预科俱乐部的同侪指导, 医学预科课程包括生物化学的所有必修课程, 化学, 生物学, 物理, 数学和更多.

学位和课程 学位类型
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如果你是那种不满足于通常现成的解决方案的人, or you love to burst open the “black boxes” to see what marvels lie undiscovered — or if you’re looking for new problems that no one has thought to discover, much less solve — offerings in the 自然科学系 may be just what you’re looking for. 

在凯特林,你不仅能学到更多关于新兴技术的知识. You’ll also develop an appreciation for the unseen 力s and processes that shape our reality. That’s because our 自然科学系 provides you with a variety of classes that are fundamental to all engineering degrees, +, through our degree in engineering 物理 program and wide-ranging science electives, our classes broaden the perspective you’ll be able to bring to the applications you pursue.

体验式学习的机会也贯穿我们的课程. 这意味着你是否选择成为工程物理专业, 加入我们的医学预科课程, or expand your worldview through elective courses you’ll have invaluable hands-on learning opportunities that will help you immediately apply what you’ve learned.



As you earn your degree in engineering 物理 or complete one of our related minors, you’ll alternate your time between taking courses and actually working in the field with one of our corporate partners, 比如福特汽车公司, 麦格纳或史崔克, 举几个例子.


作为正规的赌博app工程物理专业的学生, 或者是选修我们相关辅修课程的学生, you’ll apply what you learn in our top-notch labs as early as your first week of school. 


No matter your field of study within the 自然科学系 and beyond, 在凯特林, 你将在小班授课的教室里学习. 这将有力地丰富你的教育, 深思熟虑的讨论, 重要的团队合作和一对一的指导.




Investigate the 物理 of electricity and magnetism and study electric potential and electric current.


Build foundational knowledge of the concepts and principles of 化学 and gain valuable skills in data collection and evaluation.




通过我们的自然科学系, you’ll find a variety of labs that will help you develop your skills and give you more hands-on experience working with the things that intrigue you most.


探索和了解更多关于职位内部运作的信息, 速度, 加速度, 力, 动量和能量.


你是否参加我们的医学预科课程学习, 选择工程物理专业, 攻读自然科学学位或其他相关专业, your instructors are committed to helping you and your peers find success in the classroom and in the workplace.

通过我们的工程和自然科学学位课程, you’ll learn from faculty members who are currently conducting research in structural vibration, 声谐振器, 生物化学, 分析化学, 光波导, 导电性, 热能储存等重要概念.

无论你选择哪个自然科学学位或辅修课程, 你会从他们领域的专家那里学习.


无论你在凯特林攻读哪个自然科学学位或辅修课程, you’ll find a host of mentors and opportunities to connect with like-minded students to help you make the most of your education and collegiate experience.


  • 医学预科俱乐部: 对医学预科课程感兴趣? Our student-led Pre-Med Club hosts a seminar series with guest speakers to learn more about the medical field, 以成为医生和医师助理的校友为特色, 来自医疗和医师助理项目的招生顾问等等.
  • 物理俱乐部: 从纸板船赛舟会到天文观测之夜, 我们的物理俱乐部的使命是帮助你发展你对物理的兴趣, 向你介绍相关的职业领域, 为您提供动手物理活动和更多. 
  • 物理系学生协会和Sigma Pi Sigma荣誉协会: 在凯特林, 我们有两个全国物理学生学会(SPS)的地方分会, 同时也是国家物理荣誉协会的地方分会, Sigma Pi Sigma. Membership for SPS is open to anyone interested in 物理 and is particularly recommended for you if you are a Physics or 工程物理 major.


无论你选择哪个学位项目, 凯特林致力于帮助你资助你的教育. We can help you learn more about paid jobs through our 合作项目, grants, scholarships 和更多的. 

在凯特林, 99% of our students are offered grants, loans and/or work-study opportunities. 在其他助学金和奖学金中, when you pursue a degree in engineering 物理 or a similar program 在凯特林’s 自然科学系, 你可能有资格: 

Explore, 研究, Discover: Do More With a Natural Science Degree From Kettering

Uncover the mysteries of the natural world and put your knowledge into action through Kettering’s 自然科学系. Take the next step toward your career in science or 物理 and request more information or apply now.


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